professional training, creative speech, speech communication, technology, intelligence maps, block diagramAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of higher education students in higher education institutions in the context of educational reforms. The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of training future teachers to develop creative speech and speech communication of younger schoolchildren. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem, the process of professional training of future teachers to develop creative speech and speech communication of students in grades 1-4 during educational activities is characterized as systematic, consistent and creatively directed, the result of which is the mastery of key and subject competencies of the language and literary educational field. The essence of the concepts of «creative speech» is revealed as a property of the personality that it acquires during practical creative activity, and the result of which is the formation of the skills to produce non-standard own expressions; «to develop creative speech» – systematically, purposefully, specially organize the speech activity of applicants, during which they have the opportunity to acquire the skills and abilities to create original texts, implementing creative ideas, developing speech communication, which we understand as the generation and interpretation of texts that are dynamic in nature: they can change, be supplemented during their discussion. Three stages of the formation of creative speech and speech communication in applicants for higher education in the process of classes in the disciplines of the language and literary educational field are distinguished, namely: motivational-informative, – imitation-heuristic, creative-activity. Attention is focused on the application of modern learning technologies that are actively introduced into the educational process of primary school. The readiness of future primary school teachers is determined by the integrative characteristic of the teacher’s creative personality, the components of which are his qualitative theoretical and practical training as a specialist; positive motivation for the development of creative speech and speech communication of younger schoolchildren; the ability to adjust one’s own experience to apply modern technologies, taking into account one’s level of development of creative speech and speech communication and the level of development of creative opportunities of younger schoolchildren. It is noted that the creative development of students depends on the competence and creative activity of the teacher.
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