aviation safety, digital technologies, foreign language, intercultural competence, language barrierAbstract
The relevance of the selected aspect of the research has been determined by the requirements for changes in aviation industry, which involves constant intercultural interaction, as pilots constantly cross borders and encounter different cultures. Even at the ground handling level, international terminology is used, and the diversity of passengers requires an understanding of cultural nuances from all participants in the aviation process. Language barriers can significantly complicate communication between aviation specialists. Having good knowledge of English, which is considered to be one the international languages of aviation, specialists may still encounter different accents and dialects that make it difficult for other people to understand, specific terminology, and incorrect use of language constructions. Misunderstandings between pilots and controllers can lead to critical situations. Therefore, higher education establishments are aimed at developing future aviation specialists’ language competence and intercultural communication skills. The peculiarities of intercultural communication’ use by future aviation specialists in professional environment have been analyzed in the research. It has been determined that professional language training in educational institutions can be implemented involving innovative pedagogical technologies and methods. The paper considers the most popular of them, namely: digital technologies (virtual reality technologies, online platforms, social networks), intercultural training, cultural and communicative approaches. Owing to interactive computer technologies, modern aviation educational institutions provide future specialists with the most comfortable conditions for training. High school teachers constantly improve their language teaching methods using modern technologies and recommending future aviation specialists additional online courses. It goes without saying that relevant higher educational establishments need to pay attention to organizing online courses in Aviation English that meet international standards. The article draws balanced conclusions. It is emphasized that today’s world requires specialists with professional knowledge and the ability to adapt to changes and solve complex tasks quickly. This involves aviation sphere, where people from different countries work together. Therefore, future aviation specialists must develop critical thinking skills to analyze situations, make decisions and communicate effectively with colleagues from other countries.
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