ecological awareness, technical education, ecological responsibility, teaching methods, ecological educationAbstract
The article explores the process of developing ecological awareness among students in technical specialties as one of the key tasks of modern education. It reveals the theoretical foundations of ecological awareness, its structural components such as cognitive, emotional-value, and behavioral aspects, and their significance for the professional activities of future engineers. The importance of understanding ecological responsibility, essential for minimizing the impact of technical activities on the environment, is highlighted. Attention is focused on the specific features of ecological awareness among technical students, including the influence of their professional orientation on attitudes toward environmental issues. The main methods of forming ecological awareness are considered, including the integration of ecological topics into educational programs, the use of active teaching methods such as project-based learning, simulations, case studies, interdisciplinary approaches, and practical work. Special emphasis is placed on the use of modern information technologies, such as ecological scenario modeling and digital platforms, as well as collaboration with environmental organizations to involve students in real-world projects. The article addresses the involvement of students in research activities, which not only expand their knowledge but also contribute to the development of skills in environmentally responsible thinking. The importance of participation in volunteer environmental projects, scientific competitions, or environmental preservation activities is emphasized, as these contribute to the development of practical skills and the formation of ecological values. Challenges hindering the effective formation of ecological awareness are analyzed, including insufficient integration of ecological aspects into technical disciplines, a lack of resources and modern equipment, low student motivation, and limited ecological qualifications among instructors. The necessity of a systematic approach to addressing these issues is underscored, involving curriculum updates, the creation of a motivational environment, faculty training, and the engagement of students in environmentally oriented activities.
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