community, society, social, social readiness for school, children of older preschool ageAbstract
In the scientific research a theoretical analysis of the problem of studying social readiness for the school of older children. The purpose of the study is to conduct a theoretical review of scientific sources devoted to social readiness for the schooling of older preschool children. Research methods: analysis of scientific sources. Objectives of the study: theoretical analysis of scientific sources, both classical and modern research on the problem of studying social readiness for the schooling of older preschool children; substantiation of terms such as “society”, “society”, “social” and terms – “social readiness for school”; the determination of the main indicators of social readiness in older preschool children; disclosure of the influence of the team on the social development of the older preschooler; a study of the measurement of readiness for school, which are presented in foreign research; an indication of the role of parental upbringing in the formation of social readiness for schooling. Realistic scientific and theoretical research has shown that the process of socialization is of great importance for the development of the child’s personality. Social experience, traditions, cultural heritage, certain rules and norms of behavior form a special attitude of the preschooler to the world around it; the content of terms and terms is studied; it was revealed that indicators of social readiness for school in older preschool children are primarily the formation of motivation to learn, the ability to acquire new knowledge, the desire to learn, being able to feel comfortable in a new learning environment, being able to listen to teachers, performing their tasks, cooperating with students in class, bringing their actions to a logical conclusion; it is determined that the preschooler acquires social experience in a group of peers, during joint activities are formed: individual traits, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-presentation, attitude to itself, especially those qualities that are necessary during schooling; there were identified six dimensions of readiness for school, including social and emotional maturity; it is proved that the child acquires social experience during interaction and communication with the close environment. Parental support, proper education and upbringing help the child to go through the stage of socialization. In the future, the prospect of our study is the study of social readiness for school in children with speech pathology.
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