socio-cultural space, museum institution, museum pedagogy, museum, educational missionAbstract
The article reveals the specifics of the organization of socio-cultural space of modern institutions of general secondary education by means of museum pedagogy, which is carried out by expressing the main purpose, mission and objectives of museum institutions. It is emphasized that before libraries, museums and other institutions of culture and leisure society has set the task of establishing cultural heritage as the moral foundations of politics, economics, social institutions of society. The main purpose of the study is the process of generalization of practical educational experience of museums and the representation of the leading mechanisms of organization of socio-cultural space of modern educational institutions by means of museum pedagogy. To solve the tasks defined in the article, such research methods as historical and pedagogical analysis, generalization, comparison of scientific sources, systematic and problem-based analysis of philosophical, scientific and pedagogical literature and Internet resources were used. The importance of quality activities of museum institutions, educational environments which contribute to the formation of a young person’s sense of belonging and respect for the past, evoke emotional and evaluative judgments and values. Emphasis is placed on the importance of museum pedagogy, which is considered an interdisciplinary scientific discipline and a practical field of educational activity that implements the transfer of cultural experience through the pedagogical process in the socio-cultural space of the Ukrainian Carpathian region, which also includes educational institutions of Precarpathia, Bukovina, Transcarpathia and Lviv region. It is assumed that the study of the outlined problem will help to understand what the younger generations are losing, as well as what national, ethnic and vital values are lost in the transition to mass culture and not always justified, unreasonably organized desire for high standards of cultural heritage of individual regions. It is noted that the creative use of museum heritage will contribute to a more effective understanding of the historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people.
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