



English academic writing, selection of educational material, PhD students in law, principles and criteria for selection of lexical and grammatical material


The article deals with the specifics of language material selection for teaching English academic writing to PhD students in law. The purpose of the article is to determine the criteria for the selection of lexical and grammatical materials for teaching English academic writing to PhD students in law. Based on the analysis of scientific sources on the selection of educational material, the author identifies a number of principles that the selection of lexical and grammatical materials for teaching English academic writing to PhD students in law should be based on. They include the principle of necessity and completeness, the principle of affordability and accessibility, the principle of usability and prevalence, the principle of pragmatism and professional efficiency, and the principle of authenticity. The defined principles of teaching English academic writing to PhD students in law are key guidelines in the selection of lexical and grammatical material, the purpose of which is their implementation. The author determines lexical units and grammatical structures as units of selection for the production of English academic writing. The author also proves that the success of material selection is determined by certain criteria. It is substantiated that the selection of grammatical material for teaching English academic writing to PhD students in law should be based on the following criteria, namely stability, exemplary and stylistic normality. For the selection of lexical material in the article the following criteria are defined as effective: the criterion of communicative value, the criterion of professional orientation, the criterion of word-forming ability. The article states that the aspects considered in this paper can serve as a basis for the development of a system of exercises and tasks for teaching English academic writing to PhD students in law.


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How to Cite

ЗАЯРНА, І. (2022). SPECIFICS OF LANGUAGE MATERIAL SELECTION FOR TEACHING ENGLISH ACADEMIC WRITING TO PHD STUDENTS IN LAW. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, 1(1), 158–163. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.1.1.25

