learner-centered approach, ESP writing, logical thinking, students of IT specialties, memory, intelligenceAbstract
The paper is devoted to the consideration of a learner-centered approach in teaching ESP writing. The aim of the article is to analize this approach and foresee the organization of learning process with taking into account individual characteristics of students of IT specialties (thinking, memory, perception, attention, intelligence, interests) and the motivational, intellectual and other general and special abilities of students, factors of professional training. The methods of scientific and experimental level were used: polls of ESP teachers, teachers of professional disciplines, specialists of IT companies to find out the professional needs of students and their psychological characteristics, as well as polls of students to identify their qualities, psychological and professional characteristics. It is noted that students of IT specialties have logic-mathematical type of intelligence, abstract and logical type of thinking, creative, critical, rational, conceptual, operational, complex nature of thinking, algorithmic style of thinking, visual type of memory. Features of educational material perception of the students of IT specialties are examined: analysis of perceived material, perceptions based on the features’ differentiation, establishing logical connections between elements, systematization of the studied material in a hierarchy. The specific professional features of the students of IT specialities (professional features, values in education) are considered. Professional features are described as the ability to analyze and correct their professional mistakes, attentiveness, independence, individual responsibility, ability to make decisions in a limited time, the ability to modify, the ability to independently solve problems in different activities and learning. Values in education of students of IT specialties are described. The psychological and professional qualities of students that are typical for IT specialists were summarized and classified in the table and this is the novelty of the paper. The conclusion is made that the results of the analysis indicate the need to develop a methodology for teaching ESP writing students of IT specialties taking into account their psychological and professional qualities, the use of e-learning elements and this should be done using learner-centered approach.
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