



critical thinking, technology of critical thinking, course “I explore the world”, New Ukrainian school


The article considers the application of problem-based learning technology in the process of studying the course “I explore the world” by primary school students. The author focuses on the process of modernization of the New Ukrainian School and the introduction of an integrated course “I explore the world”, offers examples of the application of problembased learning in teaching the proposed course. It is noted that the technology of problem-based learning, its application in the teaching of integrated course “I explore the world” is quite relevant in the practice of teachers, and practice-oriented tasks in this context require additional disclosure in the context of innovative content. The application of problem-based learning in primary school students in the lessons of the course “I explore the world” is considered in detail. The author emphasizes that during problem-based learning the teacher does not communicate knowledge in the finished form, but sets the student a task (problem), interests him, makes him want to find a way to solve it by using a number of techniques. It is emphasized that the creation of problem situations and their solutions are achieved by partial search method, sometimes research, with the help of laboratory, demonstration and home experiments. The discoveries that students make are insignificant, but they give children great intellectual pleasure. It is noted that the more difficult situations are created for students, which they are able to overcome, the more intensively they will develop interest in knowledge and science. Thus, the inclusion of search tasks in the educational process intensifies the activities of primary school students, increases their interest in studying the course “I explore the world”, contributes to the accumulation and deepening of knowledge.


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How to Cite

КРАМАРЕНКО, А. (2022). FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DURING THE STUDY OF THE INTEGRATED COURSE “I EXPLORE THE WORLD”. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, 2(1), 92–98. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.1.2.15

