journalism, professional training, the US, communication, critical thinking, intercultural communicationAbstract
It is important to note that novelty of the article consists in the fact that the professional training of journalists at the US focusing on the role of communicative development skills has been thoroughly studied. The article emphasizes on the importance of forming communicative skills in the process of professional training of journalists at the US universities. Various factors of communicative competence of future media specialists have been revealed. The conditions of forming communicative skills of journalists at the US higher establishments have been analyzed. The development of critical thinking, monologues and dialogues, creation and delivering rhetoric speeches as crucial component of communicative competence have been substantiated. The necessity of the development of intercultural communicative competence of journalists in the US with the aim to speak fluently and understand people of different ranges on the international arena has been proven. The methodological basis of the article is a set of scientific approaches to solving the problem of forming communicative skills of journalists in the United States (axiological, acmeological, interdisciplinary), principles of objectivity, integrity, humanization, fundamentality, continuity of adult education; pedagogical and psychological ideas about the modern development of education; combination of theoretical and practical knowledge. On the basis of the research it has been concluded that professional training of journalists at the US universities has to be more focused on practical applying of communicative skills by using innovative media technologies while building up relationships with public, ability to make a speech appropriately, influence and persuade people, negotiate on a high level, present and exchange social and cultural values in the right way.
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