preschool education, preschool education institution, educator, quality, quality assessment, professional trainingAbstract
The main criteria for the effectiveness of preschool education are indicators of personal growth of the child: the more adequate, effective and diverse the child solves the available age educational and life problems, the higher the evaluation of teachers and preschool in general. The quality of preschool education is characterized within a specific institution of preschool education, namely: the formation of the development environment, the selection of qualified personnel and improving their professional skills, the organization of the educational process. The main requirement in addressing the availability of preschool education is the harmonization of quality standards of education with the standards of conditions for its achievement. Preschool education realizes the human right to receive such education that would correspond to the abilities, interests, inclinations of the child and would take care of its maximum development. Access to quality preschool education is not only a democratic feature of society, but also a highly professional feature of every teacher. The purpose of the article is to analyze the specifics of training future educators and further impact on the quality of preschool education. The main tasks are to create appropriate conditions for children to receive quality preschool education, ensure the effectiveness of personality-oriented educational system, implementation of the principles of democratization, humanization and individualization, integrative pedagogical process in preschool education.
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