



image, image of the educational institution, institution of general secondary education, structure of the image of the educational organization, measures of formation of a positive image of the educational institution


The problem of formation of the educational institution’s image becomes relevant in today's world, because competitiveness is the main condition for the viability of the organization in market conditions. The article defines the semantic essence of the concepts «image», «image of the educational institution». The structure of the image of the educational organization (image of the head, quality of educational services, level of psychological comfort, image of staff, style of educational institution, external attributes, connections of educational institution) is explained. Stages of formation of positive image of educational institution are revealed: diagnostics; planning; implementation of planned activities; image monitoring; support are explained. Measures for the formation of a positive image of the institution of general secondary education, ways to promote it are highlighted. It was found that an important component of the educational organization is the development of PR-strategy. It is emphasized that the task of internal PR (corporate) is to create an educational environment: favorable relations of management with staff at all levels of management in the educational space, partnership of participants in the educational process, corporate culture, traditions, efficiency of interaction, motivation to work of teachers, improvement of professional competence of teachers, material and technical and methodological support, improvement of the building and territory of the school, which ensures the quality of educational activities and the quality of education. External PR includes work with the external space of the educational institution, with partners, investors, competitors, community: creating a favorable image of the institution and maintaining the image and rating of the institution; creating favorable relations with consumers of educational services; work with mass media; work with government agencies and NGOs; conducting presentations, participation in educational exhibitions, public events, etc. The author generalizes that ensuring success in the market of educational services requires to search for new technologies aimed at designing and maintaining a sustainable positive image.


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How to Cite

ДЕСЯТНИК, К. (2021). FEATURES OF FORMATION OF THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION’S IMAGE. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (1), 61–67. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2021.1.11

