critical thinking, distance education, education seeker, war.Abstract
The article reveals the peculiarities of the development of critical thinking among students (both pupils and students) during distance learning in war conditions. It was determined that critical thinking is conscious, independent, reflective, purposeful, grounded, controlled and self-organized thinking, which consists of general methodological principles and strategies, a wide range of evaluation and justification procedures. It was found that the development of critical thinking not only helps students when working with information at school, but also creates a basis for the formation of logical thinking and reasoning. It is proven that the formation of critical thinking in students is based on the ability to show the individuality and uniqueness of everyone, to increase the flexibility of thinking, to formulate judgments and questions. It is established that management of the process of formation of critical thinking and development of pupils’ and students’ abilities presupposes, first of all, obtaining information about their real and potential levels. It was determined that the ability to develop critical thinking, to make independent and rational decisions, to learn throughout life are the main features that an education seeker should acquire. In the course of the study, it was established that the role of information and communication technologies in the process of distance learning in war conditions is especially important, because now only with their help do students of education, both pupils and students, develop critical thinking. It has been proven that in today’s conditions, critical thinking among students, both pupils and students, is formed with the help of such electronic educational platforms as Google Workspace, Google Classroom, New Knowledge, HUMAN.UA and online communication services and tools (Zoom, Skype, Team), basic Google services (Gmail, Calendar, Meet, Jamboard, Chat, Hangouts), YouTube platform.
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