



method, non-traditional lesson, form of teaching, English language, teacher, student.


This article discusses the features of the usage of non-traditional methods of teaching English in senior classes. The use of non-traditional teaching methods can significantly improve the current situation in educational sphere. Students who are reluctant to read textbooks and perform the same type of tasks, lose any interest in learning, can see how bright and colorful can be a lesson using non-traditional methods. The formation of positive motivation should be considered by the teacher as a separate task. As a rule, such motives are connected with knowledge of interesting, acquisition of new knowledge, abilities. In order to justify the motives, it is necessary to choose such forms of lessons that will stimulate the activities of students. Non-traditional methods of teaching foreign languages are usually more fruitful and effective. Such methods may include: the use of Internet material, music in foreign language and so on. In this article, we have identified the main types of non-traditional teaching methods. And gave a table with forms of non-traditional lessons, and their description. Based on this table, we decided to make a detailed analysis of three types of lessons. Such as: online lesson, video lesson, music lesson. Teacher himself chooses the form of the lesson to pergorm. However, the success of mastering the material and the effectiveness of non-traditional methods will depend on the careful training of the teacher. Of course, no one is talking about the abolition of traditional methods of conducting English lessons. It's just about introducing something new to the learning process. In addition, the usage of such material helps more easily and in sufficient quantities to learn about the language, its grammar and vocabulary. After conducting research, we came to the conclusion that if the teacher is interested in improving the quality of knowledge in students, he will conduct the necessary training so that the use of these methods and the chosen form are interrelated, which will eventually lead to the desired result.


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How to Cite

ХРОМОВА, В., & ІЗМАЙЛОВА, А. (2022). «TECHNOLOGY OF USING NON-TRADITIONAL METHODS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING IN SENIOR CLASSES». Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (6), 190–194. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2021.6.29

