pedagogy of partnership, etnopedagogical competence, teacher’s skill, teacher-educator partnership interactionAbstract
The article substantiates the importance of forming the ability of the modern teacher-educator to organize partnership interaction with the participants of the pedagogical process, focusing on a number of ethnopedagogical competencies. The relevance of the problem is determined by the multi-ethnic composition of the population of Ukraine and modern European integration processes, the intensification of international cooperation in the field of education. The article is aimed at determining the main directions of skill formation of the future teacher, educator in the organization of partnership interaction in the context of his ethnopedagogical competence. The analysis of the scientific literature proved that the teacher-educator, who organizes pedagogical interaction on the basis of partnership, directs the movement towards cooperation with the participants of the pedagogical process through dialogue, convincing regulation of the behavior of partners without violence and competition. Comparing the essence of the concepts «cooperation» and «partnership» made it possible to clarify the specifics of partnership as a strategy of interaction and to formulate the principles of partnership pedagogy, which determine the behavior of the teacher-educator during pedagogical communication. The competence of the pedagogical partnership is interconnected with other types of professional competence of the teacher-educator. Among them, ethnopedagogical competence stands out, which ensures the ability of the teachereducator to understand the uniqueness and diversity of people as representatives of different cultures, to take into account, on this basis, the individual characteristics of the subjects of interaction, to ensure constructive and safe partnership interaction with the participants of the educational process in various forms of work. Ethnopedagogical competencies, which contribute to the organization of pedagogical partnership interaction, should be grouped according to the components of the teacher-educator’s pedagogical skills, which will enable their qualitative formation.
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