


health, skills, sports, bad habits, informing students, the main components of health, education, stress, physical activity


The article raises the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students. It is noted that part-time students show a great need for a healthy lifestyle, while the skills and abilities of health-saving activities are lower than those of full-time students with equal values of the level of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. It has been proved that for the formation of students' motivation for a healthy lifestyle in educational institutions, it is important to further implement the national policy in the field of physical culture, a more in-depth study of knowledge about the body and the environment. It is noted that teachers need to form a personal attitude to the norms and requirements of a healthy lifestyle, the education of individual principles and habits of a healthy lifestyle among students, knowledge to combat bad habits, overcoming adverse situations associated with life situations. It is proved that the culture of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not given to a person from birth, but is the result of his training, upbringing and self-development, that the culture of a healthy lifestyle of young people is manifested in relation to their health as a value and awareness of their responsibility for individual health. . The content of educating a culture of healthy life is aimed at assimilating the versatility of the concept of “health” by young people, perceiving it as a universal and personal value; fostering a caring attitude towards one's own health and the health of others; attraction to sports; formation of a culture of food, work and rest; the formation of psychological resistance to addictive forms of behavior and the anti-drug barrier, as a negative attitude towards the use of alcohol, tobacco products and drugs; education of sexual culture, environmentally literate behavior, preventive thinking It is analyzed that the formation of a healthy life of young people includes the organization of students' activities in an educational institution, aimed at maintaining psychological and social positive aspects that increase motivation for a value attitude to their health and self-development; to improve the psychological climate in the student team, etc. The key points containing a number of pedagogical elements of formation are analyzed and proved.


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How to Cite

ЛЕВИЦЬКИЙ, О. (2023). PROBLEMS OF FORMING A HEALTHY LIFE IMAGE OF STUDENT YOUTH. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (5), 59–63.

