critical thinking, technology of critical thinking, courseAbstract
The article considers the application of critical thinking technology in the process of studying the course "I explore the world" by primary school students. The author focuses on the process of modernization of the New Ukrainian School and the introduction of an integrated course "I explore the world", offers examples of the application of critical thinking methods in teaching the proposed course. It is noted that the technology of critical thinking, its application in teaching an integrated course "I explore the world" is quite relevant in the practice of teachers, and practice-oriented tasks in this context require additional disclosure in the context of innovative content. Methods for the development of critical thinking in primary school students in the lessons of the course "I explore the world" are considered in detail. It is emphasized that the integration of many educational fields, namely natural, civic, historical, social and health education in the course "I explore the world", provides a thorough preparation by the teacher to conduct such lessons (in addition to various NUS programs). 1 and NUS-2 integration are presented somewhat differently). When modeling the above lessons, one should take into account the peculiarity of the educational material, as experience shows that the development of educational classes in this technology requires a thorough training from the teacher, especially in the 1st grade. We believe that it will be optimal to use certain elements of technology: "Brainstorming", "Microphone", "Groning", "Jigsaw", "PRESS Method", "Senkan", etc. Thus, the technology of critical thinking allows to maximize the efficiency of the educational process, allows to create conditions when all students are involved in active, creative activities, self-learning, self-realization, learn to communicate, cooperate, think critically, defend their position, adapts students to life in society.
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