



demonstration, laboratory work in physics, demonstration set, educational panel, digital laboratory, Internet simulation, distance learning, quarantine


The article offers an introduction to the possibility of conducting demonstration and laboratory work in physics using the example of organizing work to verify the laws of serial and parallel connection. This concept can be implemented using cloud technologies or available Internet resources with the possibility of further processing of the obtained results. This project can be successfully used by teachers of any educational institutions and levels of education to conduct laboratory work by students of a school, college or other educational institution. Laboratory work, which is one of the forms of learning and which is one of the accurate and reliable methods of assessing practical knowledge, skills and abilities, can be used in conditions of distance learning or quarantine, such as during the quarantine introduced in 2020 to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease of COVID-19. An example of an experiment using Internet simulation is given. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment convincingly prove that the use of cloud technologies is a powerful tool and an effective means of teaching pupils and students.


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How to Cite

MYRONCHUK Г., & PANKEVYCH С. (2023). FEATURES OF CONDUCTING LABORATORY WORK ON ELECTRICITY BY MEANS OF CLOUD-ORIENTED TECHNOLOGIES. Physics and Educational Technology, (1), 25–34. https://doi.org/10.32782/pet-2023-1-4

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