innovative pedagogical activity, process of education , harmonic oscillations, virtual experiment, electronAbstract
The article deals with the phenomenon of “Innovation theory” in the context of the creation, implementation and dissemination of new ideas, tools, pedagogical and management technologies in educational practice, as a result of which the indicators (levels) of achievements of the structural components of education are increasing, transition to a qualitatively different state is a result as well. Traditional approaches to the teaching theme “harmonic oscillations” are analyzed, its content is associated with oscillatory processes, including the addition of perpendicular oscillations with the same frequency. An innovative approach to the teaching of this subject is proposed that is based on the use of an “electron” as an oscillatory body. It is demonstrated that training is built on the analysis of the vibrational motions of electron that has a number of advantages: – an electron, approximately - is a material point (its dimensions are of the order of 15 1 10 m; – the result of the electric forces acting on it can be demonstrated and thus emphasize the unity of this type of oscillations with electromagnetism; – an electron is one of the fundamental “bricks” of the Universe; – it is possible to emphasize the analogy between the motion of a body of mass m in a gravitational field near the Earth's surface and the motion of an electron e in a uniform electric field created between flat parallel horizontally arranged plates; – it is possible to demonstrate that the addition of mutually perpendicular vibrations can be caused by the action on the electron of two mutually perpendicular harmonic electric forces of the same frequency. To improve process of education you need to make the student an active participant in this process using a virtual model experiment. In the process of research, the student (pupil) has the ability to set the oscillatory movements and “see” not only their general view on the monitor and get specific numerical dependences of the electron x and y bias from t time, but also the visual result of addition, that is the trajectory of the electron movement. The proposed construction of the content of the training topic "Harmonic oscillations" and its illustrations in a model computer experiment, facilitates the assimilation of the skills of understanding the essence of the studied physical processes.
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