lyricism, archetype, concept, musicality, feminine personality.Abstract
Todayʼs realities require a view of Ukrainian culture as an organic component of the European space, and, accordingly, the identification of common and distinctive features, which gives the socio-cultural whole diversity and multifacetedness. One of the issues that arise in this context is the artistic worldview of the «significant» national poetess Lesya Ukrainka, which was largely formed under the influence of the work of one of her favorite composers F. Chopin, information about which can be found in the work and correspondence of the poet. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate analogies in the archetypal thinking of Frideric Chopin and Lesya Ukrainka. The methodology of the research is reflected in its following tasks: 1) distinguishing the significance of F. Chopinʼs work for Lesya Ukrainkaʼs creativity; 2) justification of the essence of lyricism as the main mental feature of F. Chopinʼs and Lesya Ukrainkaʼs work; 3) analysis of the archetypes of Musicality, Love and Motherland as dominant in the artistic thinking of the Polish composer and Ukrainian poetess. Scientific novelty. The article substantiates the idea of «feminine personalism» as a dominant feature in the artistic vision by Lesya Ukrainka, represented by a lyrical «feminine» archetype full of dignity and will ‒ we interpret it as one of the variants of lyricism that appeared in European culture after the «masculine» Chopin type. Conclusion. Analogies in the artistic and archetypal thinking of F. Chopin and Lesya Ukrainka stand out through the prism of lyricism. The first archetype is Musicality, which is a feature of Lesya Ukrainkaʼs poetry, commensurate with the singing of F. Chopinʼs music, and Music as a symbol of Love. Musicality and musical themes run through all of Lesya Ukrainkaʼs lyrics, echoing the concepts of «singing», «melody», «string», «piano», it convey the most delicate, deepest and most intimate feelings of the poetess. One of the most famous poetry collections by Lesya Ukrainka is «On the Wings of Songs» (1880s). This included a cycle with the musical title «Seven Strings» and others. Music as a symbol of life and love became the basis of the concept of one of the top works of the artist, which is «Forest Song». The second archetype is Love, which is illustrated by the concepts of «spring» and «fire». These are the poems «Spring again, and hope again...», «I stood and listened to the spring», «Ancient spring», «Winter spring», the cycle «Spring in Egypt» and many others. The third archetype is the Motherland, also realized through the prism of lyricism. This is the music and heart of F. Chopin, devoted to Poland, and the soul of Lesia Ukrainka, devoted to Ukraine. As in F. Chopin, Lesa Ukrainkaʼs appeals to the Motherland pass through a lyrical view and heartfelt response. Chopin shows Poland through the prism of national dance genres, Lesya Ukrainka ‒ through song, which is a characteristic feature of the Ukrainian mentality.
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