


dance, communication, semiotic analysis, sign, symbol, cultural code, plastic code.


The article examines the communicative potential of dance as a cultural phenomenon. Dance vocabulary is explained as a type of non-verbal language capable of expressing human thoughts and feelings, symbols and codes of the collective unconscious, cultural identity, all the nuances of human experiences of events in the surrounding world, including the traumatic experience of war. The purpose of the paper is to analyze figurative and plastic communication in dance based on a structural-semiotic approach. Methodology. Semiotic analysis became the main methodological approach in the study of the communicative nature of dance. A structural method, a systematic approach, and a method of terminological analysis were also used. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the main elements of the structure of the communicative process in dance are defined and analyzed based on the semiotic approach. The explanation of the concept of "cultural code", on the basis of which the meaning of the choreographic text is deciphered, is deepened, the peculiarities of the plastic dance code are highlighted. Conclusions. The non-verbal sign-symbolic language of dance, rooted in the archetypes of traditional culture, developed under the influence of worldview, socio-cultural, ethno-national factors. The main elements of the symbolic and communicative system of dance are gestures, facial expressions and body postures, which are complemented by the semantics of the costume and dance attributes. A dance phrase is formed from a certain sequence of gestures, which not only expresses the meaning, but is also the basis of a dance artistic image. A consistent collection of phrases forms a coherent artistic text – a choreographic composition, which represents the content of the dance in the diversity of its socio-cultural functions. The expressive language of dance overcomes verbal communication barriers and contributes to the establishment of intercultural dialogue, transmitting cultural meanings and meanings in the most expressive and accessible form for perception and understanding.


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How to Cite

ГОЛОВЕЙ, В., & ЦАПЯК, М. (2024). THE COMMUNICATIVE NATURE OF DANCE: THE SEMIOTIC ASPECT. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (2), 121–128.

