technical skills, beginner pianists, music education, pedagogical methods, performance development, individual approachAbstract
This article explores methods that are effective in building and developing technical skills in beginning pianists. The article examines the pre-school period of the student, as a core to which it is important to pay sufficient attention and, most importantly, control over the student’s progress. The article outlines the following key aspects of learning to play the piano during the pre-note period: features of proper sitting on the instrument, formation of a strong playing apparatus, development of hand coordination, independence and endurance of each finger (separately from each other), familiarity with the main elements of articulation for learning. The review, specifically the individual approach to each student, is aimed at improving the pedagogical influence on achieving optimal movements for the student to obtain complete freedom behind the instrument. The purpose of the article is to review and organize the systematic work of the teacher during the pre-note period with the beginner pianist, to develop the main tasks and highlight their solutions, to provide practical advice and a list of exercises for the formation of the student’s playing apparatus. The scientific news was revealed in a detailed study of the pre-note period, as the final time for the formation and development of the technical tasks of a beginner pianist. The article offers a list of exercises that fully plan the highquality work of a teacher in primary education, and establishes important elements of work on the basis for the further technical development of the student. As a conclusion, this study confirms how much time is reduced in preparing a student to play from sheet music. Outline of reception and methods of successful training of a beginner pianist, which encourage the formation of a solid playing apparatus and laying the technical foundations for further successful development of technical skills.
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