Cossack knighthood, Ukrainian music, archetype, metaconcept, psycho-informational model.Abstract
Ukrainian history and the current situation make us realize the importance of the influence on public opinion, and accordingly, its behavioural reactions, the means of informational and spiritual warfare. The Moscow narratives, the thinking clichеs created on their basis and the manipulative ideological influences caused by them are aimed at such goals. Therefore, it is extremely relevant to analyse and, perhaps, creatively revise some established models formed in Ukrainian art in general and music in particular, which in the context of this study we call «psychointerpretive», and among them ‒ a model formed on the basis of the interpretation of collective imagery, which reflects the archetype of the Cossack knight. The purpose of the article is to reveal the semantic features of the Cossack knight psycho-interpretive model in Ukrainian music as a national metaconcept and to substantiate its influence on the collective thinking of modern society. The research methodology is reflected in its following tasks: 1) justification of the «psychointerpretive model» concept; 2) examination of Cossack imagery «significant» examples in Ukrainian music; 3) ascertaining the possible impact of the specified psychointerpretive model as a national metaconcept on the collective thinking of modern society; 4) predicting the potential dynamics of the metaconcept. Scientific novelty. The «psychointerpretive model» concept introduced into scientific circulation, the meaning of which is explained in the theoretical-interpretive, musical-philosophical and psychological spheres in the article. Conclusion. The real nation’s life circumstances a best determine its psycho-emotional development, and we hope that Ukrainians, having passed through tragic trials, will restore the strength of the chivalrous and strong-willed element of their own psyche, while examples of modern Ukrainian chivalry heroism will become the basis for the potential dynamics of metaconcept. In this way, we will be able to influence the collective consciousness and national self-identification ‒ victim or winner, and therefore ‒ the behaviour of society through the world of artistic images, adjusting meaning-making at the national metaconcept level.
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