



noise pollution, sound level meter, pollution sources, noise level assessment


Noise pollution is one of the most pressing environmental problems in modern cities. The increasing population, a growing number of vehicles, and industrial facilities lead to a constant increase in noise levels. This negatively impacts people's health, work capacity, emotional state, and overall quality of life. These negative phenomena require solutions, which, in turn, are based on effective methods of assessing noise pollution on city streets and developing measures to reduce it. The aim of this study was to assess the level of noise pollution from road traffic in the central district and the 33rd microdistrict of Lutsk. The research was conducted during the autumn and winter of 2023–2024 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm to establish seasonal variations in noise levels and their impact on the lives of residents, as well as to develop recommendations for reducing noise load in these microdistricts. Measurements were made using a Smart Sensor AR814 Digital Sound Level Meter with a range of 30–130 dB and a frequency of 31.5 Hz–8.5 kHz. The level of noise pollution in Lutsk exceeds permissible standards both in the central part, particularly on Volyа Avenue, and in the 33rd microdistrict. The highest noise levels were observed near Kyivskyi Maidan Square and in areas with heavy traffic. Noise indicators vary depending on the season: in winter, the noise level increases due to the lack of leaf cover, while in autumn, a decrease was observed, although exceedances of normative values remained. The main source of noise in both districts is transport. To reduce noise pollution, it is recommended to modernize the road surface, create green zones, and introduce noise-absorbing elements. In this context, measuring noise pollution levels using sound level meters is an important component of environmental management of urban areas. They provide the necessary information for effective monitoring, identification of noise pollution sources, and for managing changes and ensuring comfortable living conditions. Noise level assessment is a key tool for preserving the environmental quality of urban space and contributes to the sustainable development of infrastructure that meets environmental and sanitary standards.


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How to Cite

LAVRYNYUK З., KARAIM О., RABAN О., & SYSOIEVA Ю. (2024). QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF NOISE POLLUTION IN THE CENTRAL PART AND 33 MICRODISTRICTS OF LUTSK. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (3), 44–50. https://doi.org/10.32782/pcsd-2024-3-6

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