



Zhyduvkа River, surfаce wаters, river bаsin, аnthropogenic impаct, hydrochemicаl аnаlysis, ecological state, water resources management


Water resources are necessary component of ensuring life on Earth. At the same time, they are limited resources and, due to significant anthropogenic impact, very vulnerable natural objects. In this regard, the management of water resources for the purpose of their protection and rational use is now becoming increasingly relevant. The aim of the work is to analyze the hydrochemical indicators of the surface waters of the Zhyduvka River in terms of managing its water resources. The main factors in the field of management and control over the use and protection of water and the reproduction of water resources is the assessment of the ecological state of the river basin. In turn, the key aspect here is the hydrochemical analysis of its surface waters. Indicators of the content of harmful substances in surface waters serve as an indicator for determining their quality. Richka Zhyduvka is a small river that flows in the territory of Lutsk and Lutsk region. Its length is about 8.0 km. The length within the city of Lutsk is 2.43 km. The catchment area is 9.7 km2. The area of the coastal protective strip in the city is 10.7 hectares. The area of the water protection zone in the city is 12.92 hectares. The area of the basin is 0.65 km2, the average water discharge is 0.03 m3/s. For the study, water samples were taken in the city of Zhyduvka within the city of Lutsk in alignments № 1 on Stanislavsky street and № 2 on the street. Needed in execution 4 seasons during 2018–2020 years. As a result of the research, it was found that the surface waters of the river do not answer the standards. Excess concentrations were recorded for the content of suspended solids, phosphates, ammonium ions, nitrites, iron, synthetic surfactants and chemical oxygen demand. The obtained results of the study indicate that in connection with the dynamics of the growth of anthropogenic pressure on the reservoir and in order to effectively manage the water resources of the Zhyduvka River, it is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of its surface waters and implement a number of measures to improve its ecological condition.


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How to Cite

КАРАЇМ, О., АХНЮК, М., ЛАВРИНЮК, З., ДЖАМ, О., & ГУЛАЙ, Л. (2022). HYDROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SURFACE WATER IN THE ASPECT OF MANAGEMENT OF THE WATER RESOURCES OF THE ZYDUWKA RIVER. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (1), 10–17. https://doi.org/10.32782/pcsd-2022-1-2

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