planned and unplanned measures of state control, fines, claims, illegal fellingAbstract
The purpose of the study is to highlight, analyze and evaluate the results of state supervision (control) in the field of protection, protection, use and reproduction of plant resources and forests, which was carried out by the Department of State Environmental Supervision (Control) in the Zhytomyr region of the State Ecological Inspection of the Polissky District for the 2021 in Zhytomyr region. Methodology. The materials of the State Environmental Inspection of Polissky District regarding the implementation of state supervision (control) measures for January-December 2021 became the information base of the research. The peculiarities of the distribution of control measures were established, the specifics of administrative responsibility in the field of forest protection were studied (protocols, the number of persons brought to administrative responsibility, the amount of fines imposed), the main violations in the field of forestry and ways of their minimization and prevention were determined. The scientific novelty consists in highlighting the specific results of state supervision (control) of a certain resource direction in the territorial relation. Conclusions. In the field of protection, protection, use and reproduction of plant resources and forests, 124 measures of state supervision were carried out in 2021, which accounted for 6.2% of all areas of control. 58.9% of inspections were carried out in the field of forestry, 32.9% of which were scheduled and 67.1% unscheduled. The analysis of the results of the work of the State Environmental Inspection of the Polissky District showed the effectiveness of unplanned measures of state supervision (control) in relation to detected violations, calculated damages and presented claims, in connection with their unexpected and unplanned factor, which did not allow business entities to prepare in advance and to hide their illegal and illegal actions. One of the main violations detected during the implementation of state supervision (control) measures is illegal logging, a powerful lever for prevention and counteraction of which should be active legislative changes and actions by the state regarding the adoption of new legislation on environmental control, changes to the methods of calculating losses and increase in fines for violations in forests.
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