labor market, employment contract, civil law agreement, employee, employerAbstract
The article is devoted to determining the general ways of implementing the form of the employment contract in the labor market, outlines the realities and prospects of its application in the labor market of Ukraine. The study focuses on the fact that the conclusion of an employment contract is proof of the official employment of an employee, his inclusion in the system of mandatory state social insurance, with the provision of social guarantees of assistance and protection from most social risks. It is indicated that an employment contract is an official agreement between an employee and an employer, according to which the employee undertakes to perform the work specified in this agreement in compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, and the employer, in turn, is obliged to pay him a salary, provide decent working conditions. In the study, an attempt was made to give a comparative description of thee mployment contract and the civil law agreement. It has been established that a civil law agreement is defined by the current legislation as an agreement between the parties: a citizen and an organization (enterprise, etc.) for the first to perform certain work (namely, in the form of a contract, a contract for the provision of services, etc.), the subject of which is the provision of a predetermined result labor The essential differences between an employment contract and a civil law agreement are emphasized. It remains important to clearly delineate the types of employment contract, as well as the essential differences between an employment contract and a civil law agreement, and their legally justified use during the establishment of employment relations. They came to the conclusion that the employment contract is an agreement regarding the implementation and provision of the function of labor activity. The subject of an employment contract is the employee's actual work in the production process, while the subject of a civil law contract is the performance by his party of a certain defined amount of work or services.
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