



enormous activity, youth, social activity, socialization, values.


The article clarified and established the essential characteristics of social activity of youth as a personal quality that ensures effective positioning of oneself in society, personal attitude to social events and phenomena, as well as the degree of interaction with other subjects. The purpose of the article was to determine the main features of social activity of young people in the conditions of social transformations; comparison of scientific views and positions of researchers in the context of studying the essence and specific features of the signified concept. It is specified that indicators of social activity of young people are self-reliance, independence, initiative, tolerance, conscious respect for the differences of others, empathy, critical thinking, reflection, conscious civic position, responsibility. The essential characteristics of social activity of young people are internal readiness to acquire socio-professional competences; formation of socially oriented motives; signs of socially oriented, professional activity; motivational focus on expanding opportunities for participation in socially significant spheres of activity; initiation of personal activity within professional development; the ability to analyze the motives of personal activity and its results; the possibility of monitoring further personal socially oriented activities. The study focuses on the thesis that the social activity of young people is realized in a specific activity that reflects a certain degree of development of the realization of social competences and personal capabilities. Public activism is a special way for individuals and social groups to respond to challenges and requests that society constantly sends them in conditions of profound transformational changes. It is public activity that will stimulate the development of society's dynamism, therefore there is always a need to stimulate the activity and behavior of young people and expand the boundaries for their social interaction and creativity. It is a condition for the self-determination of a young person's personality in society and the conscious regulation of their behavior, and it also reflects the active life position of young people, which is manifested in their principledness, responsibility, defending their positions and views when solving social problems.


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How to Cite

КЛОЧКО, О., & ПОНОМАРЕНКО, Л. (2024). ENORMOUS ACTIVITY OF YOUTH IN CONDITIONS OF SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION. Humanitas, (5), 127–133. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2023.5.16

