innovative activity, creative activity, pedagogical creativity, preschool teacherAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of innovative activity in the context of compliance with the requirements for pedagogical creativity of a specialist in preschool education. It is emphasized the need to carry out innovative activities by the teacher of the preschool educational institution, at the same time involving his own creative potential. The success and quality of the educational process will depend on the level of its formation. The main goal of a teacher's work with children is the formation of competencies sufficient for the child's adaptation to the conditions of the surrounding environment, the ability to respond to challenges, including educational ones, to make independent decisions regarding the tasks and results of one's own activities. In general, the development of preschool education, its transition to a new qualitative level is impossible without the development and implementation of innovative technologies for the education, training and development of preschool children. Innovative pedagogical activity is defined as a complex, multifunctional activity of a person, based on his activity and aimed at understanding the pedagogical experience and transforming the educational process based on it in order to increase the effectiveness of pedagogical influences through the introduction of innovations. The signs, stages, and levels of the pedagogue's innovative activity are compared with the substantive characteristics of creative pedagogical activity. It was determined that innovative changes in preschool education are possible only in the presence of trained and qualified pedagogical personnel, who have developed innovative competence based on creative pedagogical potential. The importance of forming the educator's readiness to carry out innovative and creative pedagogical activities during the organization, provision and implementation of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, as well as the creation of a suitable environment led to the introduction of relevant educational components into the educational programs of the bachelor's degree (Innovative pedagogical technologies in preschool education) and the master's degree of preschool education (Pedagogical creativity and self-management of the organizer of preschool education).
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