information and communication technologies, ICT, use of ICT in primary education, functions of ICT in primary education, use of information technologies in primary classes, ICT-competence of primary school teachersAbstract
The relevance of the topic of the publication and its timeliness and practical significance, an analysis of scientific works on the topic of research were carried out in the article substantiates. Its purpose is to update the functions of information and communication technologies (ICT) in primary education, taking into account modern domestic realities, the main trends in the development of software and technical support of information and communication technologies and educational tasks that need to be solved in the process of training primary education students. The methodology of the article consists of: analysis, synthesis, comparison, observation. In the process of scientific research, the functions of ICT in domestic primary education were updated, in particular, the authors identified such functions as: means of activity (specifically educational (pedagogical), scientific-methodical and methodical work of educators, means of educational management (educational management)); the object of research and study (the possibilities of typical educational programs for primary school have been analyzed and possible directions for updating their content were given); instruments of communication and integration (the focus is on communication and representation among the non-academic public); instruments of selfeducation, research and scientific activity (attention is focused both on the form of their conduct (remote with the use of ICT network instruments), and on the actual software and technical instruments of conduct), – their meaning, toolkit, specifics of use in modern domestic education have been briefly described, and actual examples were given. Attention was focused on the most modern directions of ICT (in particular, on immersive technologies, artificial intelligence, etc.) at the same time. The authors also considered current examples of the use of ICT. The problems of further research in the context of the topic of the publication were also outlined as a study of the possibilities of using the latest ICT achievements in the study of certain educational fields in primary grades.
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