creativity, preschool children, preschool education institution, «Sandplay method», principles, enriched play environment, sand games.Abstract
Analyze the study on the essence, content and structure of the creativity of the individual, the prerequisites for its implementation in preschool age, particularly, by «Sandplay method» in the context of new challenges of today. The psychological and pedagogical studies about the essence, content and structure of the creativity of the individual are analysed. The concept of «Sandplay method», which is interpreted as a natural phenomena learning way, a set of interrelated techniques aimed at developing the creativity of preschool children, providing systematic and constant playing activities with sand and water in the process of enriched play environment of preschool education is defined. The essence of the principles on which the method is based: safe and enriched gaming environment, unconditional acceptance of a child, orientation to the individual potential resource of a child, integration into the social environment, humanisation, differentiated approach and integration is revealed. The main advantages of the method, its organisational aspects are considered. Factors that enrich the play environment for children’s activity with sand and maximally contribute to the development of their creative potential are presented (in a group room, on a group playground, in a preschool education institution, at home, on the street). Games, which influence the process of developing children’s creativity are systematised by type: hand-dip in sand games, building games, games using art techniques (relief, collage, assemblage), games for relieving emotional stress. The game themes for each type are given. Conclusions. The definition of creativity of the individual, its content and structure is characterized by great variability. «Sandplay» can be defined as an effective method of influence the development of preschool children creativity, during which process of there is using the technique of working with sand and water; having communication skills, decisionmaking and overcoming difficulties; the ability to combine, reconstruct, changing; creativeness to find decoration options for buildings is; emotional stress is relieved, reducing fatigue and negative emotions, which is especially important in view of today’s challenges during the war and martial law in Ukraine.
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