family values, child-free, moral principles, traditions, modern youthAbstract
This article is dedicated to the pressing issue of personal family values, the identification of family values among student youth, and the justification of the need for their development. The concepts of “values” and “family values” are examined. The relevance of this topic for Ukrainian society is emphasised, as there is a growing issue of young people devaluing family values, as well as a low level of readiness among youth to create a family, have children, and raise them. The negative impact on family values is linked to crisis phenomena in the spiritual and moral spheres of modern families, as well as the influence of European trends. The concept of child-free living which originated in the United States, has been examined, along with an analysis of the reasons why modern Ukrainian youth are joining this movement. Analysing publications and research on this issue, the most common motives for refusing to have children are as follows: an awareness of the high level of responsibility that comes with having children; negative childhood memories (poverty, parental neglect, unfair treatment of children in the family, violence, etc.); fear of becoming bad parents; the possibility of passing on a severe genetic illness to a child; concerns that pregnancy could be difficult or even life-threatening; unwillingness to change one’s lifestyle or sacrifice personal space; a desire to maintain the emotional and physical harmony achieved in a romantic relationship; and satisfaction derived from caring for pets, among others. The article emphasizes that the family is the primary environment in which personal values are formed. It is also noted that adolescence is a sensitive period for acquiring family values. The dynamic factors of the social environment that influence the formation of personal family values are revealed. These include factors such as the family’s beliefs, the nature of family communication, the attitude of the social environment towards the family, family traditions, and the intellectual level of the student youth in their educational setting. It is noted that family policy in Ukraine remains in line with the traditional model. It views the traditional family model as its main focus, primarily oriented towards supporting motherhood and childhood. The implementation of these tasks is guided by the Concept of the State Targeted Social Program for Family Support in Ukraine, which identifies key problems such as the low birth rate, widespread prevalence of one-child families, and the instability of marriages.
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