game, play activities, emotional development, preschool childrenAbstract
The article provides a scientific and theoretical analysis of the problem of the impact of play activities on the emotional development of preschool children. Scientific approaches to the problem of play activities in preschool age are analyzed. The author of the article focuses on the importance of play in preschool childhood, which is the main activity of the preschooler, in the process of which is the emotional development of children. The importance of the game in the psychological development of preschool children is revealed, because the game provides the gradual development of basic psychological neoplasms in humans. Play as an activity occupies an important place in the development of preschool children. The importance and significance of play in the life of a preschooler cannot be underestimated or overestimated. The child's game is a form of organization of life corresponding to the preschool childhood, an effective method and means of realization of educational tasks from all directions of development of the personality of preschoolers. The role of an adult in the organization of play activities of preschool children is emphasized. The game plays an important role in the development and upbringing of the child, the formation of personality, it is a unique and indispensable tool in the education, training, cognition and self-realization of each child. Play is not a whim, it is a necessity in which a child satisfies all his needs: in psychological, emotional, mental development. The importance of ensuring the playful nature of the educational process is described. The current state of the problem of development of play activities of preschoolers suggests that in preschool childhood it is necessary to pay attention to this process. Thus, play activities gradually prepare the child to enter adult professional life. Therefore, it is an effective means of forming and developing the qualities and properties of personality necessary for life and productive work. Such an integrated quality that affects the safe lifestyle and efficiency of future human activity.
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