



distance learning, educational work, medical university, curatorial hour, organization of training


Today has posed a challenge to humanity – the coronavirus pandemic. The main requirement is social distancing, which has forced higher education institutions to switch to distance learning. However, in medical school, distance learning is somewhat unjustified, as the basis of medical education is a professional orientation, which is important given that the self-awareness and competence of the medical student in the future will depend on health and possibly human life. Live communication with specialized patients is especially important. Communication with patients is somewhat difficult in distance learning. This is a significant disadvantage when studying medical disciplines on-line. The educational process is closely connected with educational activities focused on the formation of socially significant qualities, attitudes and values of the individual, and on creating favorable conditions for comprehensive harmonious, spiritual, intellectual and physical development, selfimprovement and creative self-realization of the future specialist. Training and education is an organic process of formation of professional competence of a specialist with a high level of culture and the formation of his personality. Innovative educational activities should be based on two approaches to modeling certain means of education: a combination of traditional forms of extracurricular activities, information and communication technologies and new means of transmitting information via the Internet, as well as the use of forms of youth involvement or other activity in modern mass media. In the conditions of distance learning, the following goals of educational work can be distinguished: educational work (conducting distance debates, discussions, lectures, etc.); educational and scientific work of students (distance curatorial hours on problems of the organization of training, success, etc.); individual work with students (diagnosing the level of professionalism of the student, prevention of negative phenomena and offenses among student youth, etc.).


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How to Cite

САГАН, Н., АНТИМИС, О., ЗАЯЦЬ, Л., КНЯЗЕВИЧ-ЧОРНА, Т., & МІСЬКІВ, В. (2022). EXPERIENCE OF ORGANIZING CURATOR WORK IN MEDICAL HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN REMOTE MODE. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, 1(1), 198–203. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.1.1.31

