



multilingual competence, metacompetency, receptive technology, project EuroCom, plurilinguism, school language courses, institutions of general secondary education.


The article considers the problem of using receptive technology in the context of the educational reform of the New Ukrainian School, its effectiveness in the process of implementing the model of multilingual education in institutions of general secondary education in Ukraine. The receptive technology is analyzed in comparison with traditional approaches to teaching foreign languages and the status of its introduction into the practice of Ukrainian language teachers. It is noted that the transformation of traditional approaches to teaching several languages, which among others involves the diversification of language courses, is an urgent problem. Diversification should be aimed at ensuring comprehensive training of learners for life in the multilingual and multicultural society, taking into account their learning interests and individual abilities. One of the directions of diversification is the introduction of short-term school courses in order to form certain speech competencies among learners. The main provisions of the EuroCom concept and the strategic objectives of the EuroCom project, which determine the main stages and techniques of receptive technology, are considered. It is determined that the EuroCom concept and project are based on the ideas of plurilinguism and multiculturism. The article analyzes textbooks"EuroComRom", "EuroComGerm " and "EuroComSlav", devloped on the material of the Romance, Germanic and Slavic language groups, their structure and specifics of educational materials are considered. The main feature of textbooks is that basing on the transfer of knowledge they allow identification of a number of commonalities in the languages acquired, and usage of the educational strategies developed in learners. Deductive analysis of the text within the framework of receptive technology and the potential of its use in language lessons in institutions of general secondary education of Ukraine are considered and characterized. The results of implementing receptive technology in experimental schools are presented: the positive effect of its use and problems that need to be solved. It is concluded that receptive technology gives students the opportunity to intensively master reading and listening in foreign languages, deepening and expanding the available knowledge and skills, to process texts in foreign languages in order to obtain the necessary information, creates the context for further formation of multilingual competence.


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How to Cite

БОГДАНЕЦЬ-БІЛОСКАЛЕНКО, Н., & ФІДКЕВИЧ, О. (2022). ON THE PROBLEM OF USING RECEPTIVE TECHNOLOGY IN MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (2), 37–46. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.2.6

