



students with intellectual disabilities, junior high school students, labor training, motivation of learning activity, self-esteem, positive attitude to work.


The article deals with the ways of forming a positive attitude to work among younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. It is noted that labor education is leading in forming positive attitude to work, because exactly during labor education the stimulation of various work activity of pupils with intellectual disabilities and forming of conscientious attitude to the executed work, demonstration of initiative, creativity, aspiration to achievement of the highest results are carried out. It is noted that the main conditions due to which a child is included in labor activity are an interesting result and positive emotions which the student experiences. Direct practical work and its visual result contribute to a better understanding of their own achievements, which is problematic in other spheres of activity. It is proved that the solution to the problem of forming a positive attitude to work lies in the formation of motivation and adequate self-esteem of students. It is noted that it is expedient to form them in primary school children with intellectual disabilities because of non-traditional lessons and situations of success in labor lessons. Non-traditional lessons activate educational and cognitive activity of pupils, deeply affect the emotional and volitional sphere, form a competitive spirit, stimulate creative forces in children, develop creative thinking, and form motivation for educational and cognitive activity. Creating a situation of success gives children a feeling of their importance, the ability to achieve significant results in the activities of an individual and the team as a whole, a feeling of faith in their abilities, teaches them to evaluate their achievements and arouses interest in work. The features of such techniques as "Announcing", "Share success", "Give a chance", "Motivation", "Personal exclusivity", "High evaluation of the detail", "Hidden instruction", "Pedagogical suggestion", "Influence" are disclosed.


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How to Cite

ДРОЖИК, Л., & НАУМЕНКО, Н. (2022). WAYS OF FORMING POSITIVE ATTITUDES TO WORK OF JUNIOR SCHOOLCHILDREN WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (2), 187–194. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.2.26

