children with underdeveloped speech, speech development, communication, associative metaphorical fairy tale.Abstract
The article analyzes the main tasks and skills that help children with special educational needs to fully adapt to society, prepare for overcoming the inevitable difficulties of life, and, consequently, to be fully realized as equal and full members of society. In inclusive groups, children with special needs learn the basics of independent living, learn new forms of behavior, communication, interaction. Since in educational institutions of general type of development we observe an increase in the number of children with speech disorders (general speech underdevelopment, motor alleles, sensory alleles, dysarthria, stuttering, etc.), against the background of children with normal speech stand out emotional feelings and states. Free speech communication of such children with peers, adults is limited by other speech features. In some children who do not have enough active own speech, the level of speech comprehension is something with quite extensive passive vocabulary and understanding of the meanings of many words. In order to overcome such children's speech disorders and prevent the development of pathological conditions, it is necessary to strengthen their mental health through comprehensive psycho-correctional work. The paper substantiates the methods and techniques aimed at correcting speech disorders and general stimulation of children's cognitive development. Also, the selection of exercises takes into account the characteristics of children with speech underdevelopment (avoidance of cognitive activity due to poorly developed language skills; unwillingness to participate in speech games, but the advantage of play activities over cognitive). More complex correctional tasks aimed at overcoming speech disorders, components of speech, compensation of phonetic and phonemic processes, the formation of a certain level of lexical, grammatical language systems, coherent speech appear before specialists and are within the competence of speech therapists. Special work is carried out in classes in the conditions of correctional and developmental and preventive training.
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