emotional intelligence, emotional competence, emotions, physical education branch, game and competitive activity, primary education learners, New Ukrainian school.Abstract
The article reveals the relevance of the competitive nature of physical education and stressful conditions, which are undoubted catalysts of various emotions that can affect sports performance, and each sport has special physical and technical characteristics that require special skills. The sensitivity and receptivity of primary education learners to this kind of emotional stimuli contribute to the development of emotional intelligence. Since «its main structural elements begin to develop in primary school age and do not disappear, but are improved during schooling, therefore, by the time of graduation, a young person has the opportunity to achieve such a level of development, including the development of emotional intelligence, that in adult life he can successfully to continue learning, to organize positive communication with new people in new social conditions, to engage in social relations during practical activities» (Zarytska, 2011). A large amount of research has highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence for prediction in all areas of life. Therefore, it is not surprising that interest in emotional intelligence in physical education lessons has also grown significantly. The article analyzes the influence of physical education classes on the development of primary education learners’ emotional intelligence, its features for this age category. Theoretical methods were used to write this article: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction. A significant relationship between primary education learners’ physical activity and various components of emotional intelligence was found. Age and gender are key moderators of this relationship: by gender, girls have higher emotional intelligence than boys. The analysis of indicators of their emotional intelligence showed certain differences in the level of children’s emotional intelligence during individual and team sports and sports games. A teacher who is able to regulate his own emotions perceives the motivations of his pupils, and this understanding affects their results. The analysis of scientific works generally proved the importance of emotional intelligence for achieving success and high results in physical education lessons during game and competitive activities by junior pupils and teachers, but taking into account the heterogeneity of research results, there is a need for further scientific research on this problem. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the methodology of these studies taking into account the specifics of various types of physical activity.
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