content, professional training, future primary school teachers, civic competence, civic and historical educational field, teaching methods.Abstract
The article reveals the content potential of the course “Teaching methods of the civic and historical educational field” in the formation of civic competence in younger schoolchildren. The relevance of the problem is due to the solution of the tasks set before educational institutions by a number of regulatory documents regarding the creation of civil society in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the content of professional training of future primary school teachers for the formation of civic competence of students. Achieving the goal was achieved by solving a number of tasks: 1) justifying the essence of civic competence; 2) to reveal the content potential of educational disciplines for preparing students for the formation of civic competence of students; 3) to analyze the content of cognitive activity of students on the formation of civic competence in the process of studying the educational discipline “Methods of the civic and historical educational field”. Civic competence is interpreted as the ability of an individual to actively perform the functions of a citizen of Ukrainian society and his willingness to show citizenship as a personal trait for full personal self-realization and development of society. Emphasis is placed on the fact that civic competence can be formed by a teacher who is himself civically competent. In accordance with this, the analysis of the Professional Standard of the primary school teacher, OPP for the training of specialists in the specialty 013 “Primary Education” was carried out. The significant content potential of the course “Teaching methods of civic and historical educational field” was noted, which involves the study of a system of theoretical knowledge about the formation of civic competence of younger schoolchildren, about citizenship as a personal quality, and practical skills and abilities to form personal dignity, civic behavior and respect in schoolchildren to others and to Ukraine as a whole, etc.
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