system of work, coherent speech, ZNM, game activity, preschoolers.Abstract
The article presents an analysis of the system of work on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers with ASD in play activities. It is proved that the development of coherent speech of children with ASD in speech and play activities is provided by a special organization of speech and play activities based on personality-oriented model of interaction of its participants (teachers and children); system of speech technologies aimed at the child’s transition from reproductive to creative speech and play activities; functional nature of speech and game activities. It is emphasized that the system of work on the development of coherent speech of children with ASD in play activities includes a list and content of didactic games for the correction of coherent speech of children with ASD. Each of the submitted games has a purpose, objectives, speech material, equipment, etc. That is, the submitted games are ready for use by a teacher-speech therapist in correctional work for the development of coherent speech of children with ASD (Didactic game «Add the right word», Didactic game «Compare objects», «Name as many objects» and «Who moves?» »). Emphasis is placed on the fact that the development of coherent speech of preschoolers with ASD is better to carry out in the leading activity of the preschooler – in the game. The conclusions highlight the importance of using the system of work presented by the authors in the work of a teacherspeech therapist on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers with ASD in play activities. The prospect of further research is substantiated, which the authors see in the study of the influence of speech and game activity on the formation of grammatical correctness and sound culture of speech.
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