



technologies, development of speech, speech education, linguistic and literary educational field, students of preschool and primary education


The article analyzes the use of modern technologies in the speech education of students of preschool education and the linguistic and literary field of education of students of primary education. The peculiarities of the use of information and communication technologies in the context of children's speech education are clarified, the varieties of storytelling are highlighted, and the essence of this concept is clarified. It is emphasized that storytelling is one of the interactive speech technologies used by teachers in preschool and primary education institutions. The specified technology does not require special costs and can be used anywhere and at any time, has the form of a discussion, develops imagination, logic, raises the cultural and educational level of education seekers, helps to learn thorough perception and processing of information, expands oral speech, promotes better memorization of material, develops literacy, can be successfully used in project and group activities. The peculiarities of the use of the TPR method, game technologies in the speech development of students of education, fairy-tale therapy, etc. in the educational activity of teachers are highlighted. It is noted that the use of musical works and singing is an effective modern technology of speech education of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. Music can enrich the spiritual life and bring balance to children's lives. With the help of music, people can express their thoughts and feelings, control their emotions. It has been established that for the effective development of speech of preschool and primary education students, it is necessary to use technologies that ensure the activation of speech activity, form skills and abilities to use speech material in practice. It is important to apply new knowledge in children's daily activities, which contributes to their consolidation and awareness; taking into account the correctness of the speech of the teacher of the preschool and primary education institution, who is imitated by the students of education.


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How to Cite

СУГЕЙКО, Л., & ШВЕЦЬ, Т. (2023). SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY EDUCATION STUDENTS: TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECT. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (5), 34–39. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.5.6

