culture of information activity of primary school teachers, media education, media literacy, digital skills of primary school teachers, formation of culture of information activity of future primary school teachers, professional training of future primary school teachersAbstract
Based on the definition of the phenomenon of «information» in the article has been proved that it acquires value for the individual only when it becomes the object of a certain activity, namely – information. In order to be effective, information activities must be subject to a certain system of norms and rules, which shape the culture of information activities (CIA). The content of information activities of a modern primary school teacher has been updated as an activity that should allow to perform any urgent pedagogical tasks with the highest quality and an algorithm for its implementation have been proposed. In the research also has been substantiated that effective professional information activities require a modern primary school teacher developed at a high level of CIA in the context of working with: digital information, which is presented in various forms; information and communication technologies (ICT) software and hardware; secure work with resources hosted on global and local computer networks; interpersonal communication in different modes and forms with the use of appropriate ICT tools. In addition, it involves the use of various media resources as a source of information related to real events, facts, etc. This requires from the teacher the formed media competencies, which form media literacy and are acquired in the process of educational and self-educational activities and need constant updating, because with the development of ICT, the mechanisms of network manipulation, falsification, fraud, etc. are constantly improving. Thus, media education is an important component of the process of forming the CIA of future primary school teachers in the process of their professional training. Prospects for further research also have been defined in the publication as the development of a model for the formation of CIA in the process of professional training of future primary school teachers and the integration of elements of media education in its structure.
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