thermonuclear processes, Lawson’s criterion, Schoenberg-Chandrasekhar limit, deuterium, tritium, modelingAbstract
A brief analysis of the problem of modeling critical thermonuclear processes is presented. Attention was focused on two types of processes. First is determined by the generation of thermonuclear reactions in stationary regime. This problem is main for the creation thermonuclear reaction and has Earth value. Second is lifetime of stationary phase. This problem is main for lifetime of stars and have Universe value. The first refers to the problem of the threshold for the occurrence of thermonuclear reactions. Here, Lawson's criterion is analyzed and its significance in the problem of thermonuclear reactor construction is shown. Deuterium-deuteriun and deuterium-tritium reactions are analysed. Various mechanisms of modeling the generation and realization of these reactions, including magnetic fields, are discussed. The well-founded concepts of muon catalysis and its role in the generation of thermonuclear reactions are also given. The issue of the influence of the shape and symmetry of deuterium and tritium nuclei on the threshold for the generation of thermonuclear reactions and its contribution to the Lawson criterion is analyzed. The second part refers to astrophysics. The Schönberg- Chandrasekhar criterion is formulated. The Schönberg -Chandrasekhar theory of the residence time on the main sequence of the Hertzsprung-Ressel diagram, which is general for all stars of the main sequence of the diagram, is analyzed. The Schönberg-Chandrasekhar limit and its dependence on the nature of stars are analyzed: isothermal, polytropic, etc. The problems of homogeneity and heterogeneity of stars and its influence on the Schönberg-Chandrasekhar limit are observed too. Its role in the development of modern astrophysics is shown. Prospects for the use of the Schoenberg-Chandrasekhar limit for nuclei other than hydrogen and helium are also discussed.
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