cultural and historical prerequisites, cultural environment, piano art, piano pedagogy, pianistic school, performance traditionsAbstract
The article is dedicated to the study of cultural and historical prerequisites for the emergence and development of piano art in the Odessa region. The research authors extensively analyze the factors that contributed to the establishment of piano performance in the region, as well as explore the influence of local culture and historical events on the formation of pianistic traditions. The article identifies the main prerequisites for the establishment of the Odessa piano school: a high level of cultural life in the city, the local residents' interest in music education and home music-making, and the personal contributions of prominent individuals in the region. It provides an overview of the development of piano art in the Odessa region from the earliest mentions of piano performance in the area to the contemporary period. The article mentions the names of outstanding pedagogue-pianists and performers whose creativity had a significant impact on the development of the Odessa piano school. It also analyzes the activities of educational music institutions that contributed to the development of piano culture in the region. The objective of the article is to investigate and systematize key cultural and historical factors that facilitated the development of piano art, to explore the influence of cultural traditions, historical events, educational environment, and other factors on the formation and evolution of piano art in this specific region. Scientific novelty: This article offers a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the cultural and historical prerequisites for the development of piano art in the Odessa region, filling a scholarly gap in the research of this region's art and contributing to a deeper understanding of the history and cultural context of the development of the pianistic performance school. Conclusion: The research will contribute to the preservation and development of piano art in the Odessa region and serve as an informative resource for musicologists, music educators, students of music institutions, and all those interested in the cultural and artistic life of this region.
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