vocal training, individual needs and opportunities, individual approach, musical art.Abstract
Vocal training for teenagers is an important stage of their musical development. In this process, it is worth paying attention to the correct breathing technique, expanding the range, articulation and pronunciation, correct posture and facial expressions, etc. As individuality plays a key role in adolescent vocal training, each individual has their own unique characteristics, including vocal range, performance style, strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs and capabilities of each teenager. It is important to remember that the development of vocal technique is an ongoing process, and it requires time and patience. An individual approach to each teenager will help maximize his potential in the vocal field. Independent work is also of special importance, it develops creativity and teaches to apply acquired knowledge in practical activities. The authors of the article also paid attention to the psychological preparation of teenagers for their concert performance on stage. Stage excitement is one of the forms of the mental state of an individual before and during a concert performance. One of the most important moments of behavior on stage is his stage well-being, degree of excitement. In order to significantly reduce the level of stage fright, the teacher must increase the psychological stability of the performer. For this, it is necessary to strengthen the adolescent's confidence in his abilities through kindness and optimism. It is necessary to constantly develop a sense of beauty and aesthetics on stage and in life. Adolescent students must be convinced that every performance is a celebration, and that every successful performance is an aesthetic pleasure for the audience. The purpose of the study is to reveal the main principles of the method of vocal training of teenage students within the framework of a holistic system of views on the process of teaching singing. Scientific novelty. The main problems and principles of the peculiarities of the method of vocal training of teenage students are determined. As a conclusion, the article emphasizes that a singing teacher should very carefully observe the vocal form of a teenage singer, his capabilities, interests, tracking probable technical errors and mistakes, applying a creative approach to the pedagogical process, artistic and pedagogical intuition.
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