
  • Vasyl FESIUK
  • Mariia BOIARYN



river basin, water use, water intake, water drainage, water supply, water consumption


Water is a strategic resource for ensuring the sustainable development of any country. The recent decades oversaw a trend towards an increase in the share of water use by various sectors of the economy, an increase in water lack, deterioration of water quality, problems of providing the population with clean drinking water in sufficient quantity. Integrated management of water resources according to the basin principle is necessary to solve these issues. The article analyzes water management activities in the Pripet basin of the Volyn region with the aim of optimizing water use. More than ¾ of the volume of water intake belongs to the Pripet basin. On average, approximately 37 million m3 of water is withdrawn from this basin annually. The main source for water intake is underground aquifers accounting for about 29 million m3 of water annually. It was found that the largest percentage of water is consumed by agriculture and housing and communal services to meet domestic drinking and industrial needs. Industry consumes the least amount of water. Water supply to the population in the river basin is achieved either by communal enterprises or with the help of wells. Wastewater is discharged into surface reservoirs and filtration fields. It was established that the main polluter of surface water is the housing and communal enterprises. The main problems resulting from water management activities, which affect the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the state of the river basin and lead to certain anthropogenic loads, have been identified. A set of measures for rational and balanced management of the water management sector in the Pripet Basin is proposed.


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How to Cite

ФЕСЮК, В., БЄДУНКОВА, О., НЕТРОБЧУК, І., & БОЯРИН, М. (2023). CURRENT STATE OF WATER USE IN THE PRIPET BASIN OF THE VOLYN REGION. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (1), 47–55.

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