higher education institutions, professional training, future teachers of chemistry and natural sciences, foreign experienceAbstract
The article analyzes foreign experience in training future teachers of chemistry and natural sciences (USA, Canadian and European models). A number of important areas were identified that should become decisive for the forecasting and development of pedagogical education in Ukraine, taking into account the realities and tasks of modern society, namely: 1) integration processes are being strengthened in the system of training future teachers of chemistry and natural sciences, as well as in the system of higher education in general, the result of which should be the formation of a single educational space, strengthening the integration potential of the components of the educational process in higher education institutions; 2) other types of training of future teachers emerge in the system of professional education (parallel, sequential and alternative models) which complement the existing system, while partially preserving the traditional model (theoretical training and pedagogical practice are mandatory); alternative options for training teachers are intensively sought for under the programs of a licensed and versatile teacher; 3) national qualification frameworks are being developed and improved, as the basis on which professional standards and educational programs are created, and criteria for assessing learning outcomes are established; 4) various practically oriented models of training future chemistry teachers are being created and introduced, in particular the “clinical model”, “school of professional development”, and the model of on-the-job training; 5) the main concept is to transition from the predominance of theory and philosophy in teacher training to strengthening the practical component through the expansion of pedagogical practice and diversification of formats for its organization. This includes close partnership with secondary education institutions and the transition to continuous multi-level pedagogical education; 6) the transformation of the educational process includes the introduction of the latest technologies, modernization of approaches to organizing classes and active use of hybrid teaching methods for teacher training; educational programs are being adapted to modern needs, enriched with interactive and digital tools, which ensures high-quality and effective education.
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