


nature reserve, flora and fauna, ecological status


The scientific study of the structure of nature conservation areas and their place and role in the natural resource potential is important and follows from their special value as an environment for forming and naturally occurring natural complexes with a high level of biologic and biological diversity. In most cases, the environmental status of the territory is violated by landowners and land users, which leads to a violation of their natural functioning and changes in government. To ensure the ecological balanced development and preservation of populations of plant and animal species in the Rivne region, a network of natural reserve fund has been established, which includes the Rivne nature reserve. Due to the difficult passage and accessibility, as well as the considerable distance from the scientific centers, the history of the study of the modern territory of the reserve and the region as a whole does not differ in particular intensity and had only a fragmentary character. The role of nature reserves in the life of the biosphere and of the society is an extraordinarily important and diverse one. According to the goals of the establishment nature reserve, it is charged with the following tasks: preservation of valuable natural, historic-cultural complexes and objects; creation of the conditions for organized tourism, relaxation and other recreation activities in the nature; scientific studies of the nature complexes and their changes with the recreation activities and ecological educational activities. The article substantiates the importance of preserving and expanding the network of nature reserves in Rivne Oblast. The main indicators of qualitative and quantitative composition of flora and fauna in the territory of Rivne nature reserve over the last five years are given. The quantity dynamics of flora and fauna of the defined territory is analyzed. The processing of the studied indicators of main aspects of the activity of Rivne nature reserve is provided from ecologo-statistical analysis.


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How to Cite

ГУЛАЙ, Л., ДЖАМ, О., & КАРАЇМ, О. (2021). ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE MONITORING OF THE TERRITORIES OF RIVNE NATURE RESERVE. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (3), 17–23.

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