the Bystryak river, surface waters, ecological condition, hydrochemical parameters, rational use, water resources managementAbstract
Rational use of surface waters of small rivers is a very important and complex problem of modern water management in Ukraine, as these reservoirs form water resources, hydrochemical regime and water quality of medium and large rivers, create natural landscapes of large areas. More than 60% of Ukraine’s water resources are formed in small river basins. Therefore, in the current water management system, it is extremely important to monitor the quality of natural waters and the ecological status of the basins of such rivers. The aim of the work is to assess the quality of surface waters and study the features of anthropogenic impact of the Bystryak river basin. The study was conducted on the basis of materials from the survey of the Bystryak river basin, potentiometric and photometric analyzes to determine the content of nitrogen compounds. The Bystryak river originates in a wetland near the Sokol village of Lyuboml district of the Volyn region to the northwest of town Lyuboml and flows within its district. It is the right tributary of the first order of the Western Bug river. The length of the Bystryak river is 19,78 km, the basin area is 94,51 km. Almost along its entire length, it serves as the main canal of the Rovenchansko-Polapskoy drainage system. We took a series of the samples for study the hydrochemical indicators of the surface waters of the Bystryak river in four seasons of the year during 2017–2019 in three sections (1 – to the west of the Rivne town in the lower flow of the river, 2 – to the east of the Borove village in the middle flow of the river, 3 – near the Sokol village, in the upper flow of the river). Based on conducted studies, it is established that the water quality in the reservoir is satisfactory. We recorded only an excess of the concentration of nitrites. The data of the nitrates, ammonium ions and other investigated physical and chemical indicators of water quality are within the normal range. The results obtained indicate that in connection with the dynamics of the growth of the anthropogenic load on the reservoir and in order to effectively manage the water resources of the Bystryak river, it is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of its surface waters.
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