urbansystem, Turia river, water quality, ecological indexAbstract
Іntensive development of urbanization processes has led to pollution of surface waters of rivers with nutrients, heavy metal compounds, petroleum products, phenol. Deterioration of water quality is observed in the river Turia within the city of Kovel. The main sources of pollution of the Turia River within the city are sewage of “Kovelmoloko”, “Kovelvodokanal”, natural landfills within the water protection waters. We investigated that the formation of water quality of the Turia River is significantly influenced by the substances of the salt and tropho-saprobiological block. In sampling site № 2 below the descent of the treatment systems, an increase in all indicators of the salt block was observed. In sampling site № 2, an insignificant increase in the indicators of the salt block was noted. Among the indicators of the tropho-saprobiological block, the worst values sampling site № 2 were recorded for oxygen – 5.1 mgO2/dm3 and phosphates – 0,26 mgP/dm3. Excess in the sampling site № 2 indicators of dissolved oxygen, phosphates, associated with the inflow of wastewater from treatment systems. Among the indicators of the tropho-saprobiological block, the highest values in the sampling site № 1 were nitrate nitrogen – 7,0, dichromate oxidation – 5,1 and biological oxygen consumption – 4,7. The integrated ecological index of water quality of the Turia River was in the range from category 3,7 in Kovel, 500 m above the treatment systems – good condition, degree of purity – “sufficiently clean”, which corresponds to the second class of water quality – “good condition”, the degree of purit “pure” to 4,2 categories in the vill. Bachiv, 500 m below the production of treatment systems – condition “satisfactory”, the degree of purity “slightly contaminated”, which corresponds to the third class of water quality – condition “satisfactory”, the degree of purity “contaminated” quite clean.
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