disturbed ecosystems, reclamation, stages, fertilizers, ploughing, green manures, ponds, reservoirs.Abstract
Purpose of the work. In the article the stress is laid on the illegally mined amber that causes threats to socio-economicecological development both on local and regional levels of our country. Scientific novelty. It is suggested to accomplish the marks of limits of ecological ecosystems safety (agrarian, forest, waterswampy) damaged by illegal amber mining according to the stage of their violation, just: feebly damaged to 10 percent; partly damaged from 10 to 30 percent; highly damaged from 30 to 70 percent; badly damaged from 70 to 100 percent referring to the area of 1 hectare. Methodology. The areas of plots damaged by illegal amber mining (either by hydromechanized or digging ways) are recommended to define by experimental methods, just, by calculating, using prints Sentinel-2, orthophotoplanes. It is recommended to carry out the recultivation of damaged by illegal amber mining ecosystems following the agricultural and forestry direction in three stages. At the preparatory stage complex evaluation of socio-economic, hydrogeological, hydrological, soil and botanic conditions of damaged territories is done, the structure of soils, maternal and used for bedding rocks is studied, the level of damaged shares, vegetable gardens, quarters, pastures, meadows is specified and the direction of their recultivation is chosen. At the second mining – technical stage filling up of craters, pits is carried out on feebly and partly damaged agrarian and forest ecosystems. At the third biological stage organic and mineral fertilizers, lime (in need) active microorganisms are applied on damaged agrarian ecosystems and syderates are sowed out. On the damaged forest ecosystems natural renewal of the most stable arborous species are facilitated or pine and birch trees are planted. Watereconomic direction of recultivation envisages the use of open works pits, ditches, lower reaches, swamps for water objects, exactly, for fish industry to build ponds with water surface more than one hectare and the depth more than 2 meters, for renewal of waterswampy objects in the areas of economic significance or swamps to sustain their temporary, recurrent or regular flooding with the depth less than two metres. Conclusion. The sequence of the main technological stages of reclamation of lands disturbed as a result of illegal amber mining is generalized.
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